
The 2018 FIA Awards survey progress



The 2018 FIA Awards survey is well underway and we would like to thank those who have already committed the time to complete the survey. As at the 13th of April, we have reached an overall 51% completion mark however, we need to reach 100% by the 11th of May 2018.

For those who have not yet completed the survey we urge you to please participate for two main reasons:

  1. The online survey gives you the opportunity to express your views, opinions and experiences of the industry product suppliers you work with. All responses are kept anonymous and you will not be personally identified.
  2. During these tough economic times, the FIA depends on the research results to generate additional revenue for the association. The more members that participate in the survey, the more interested product suppliers will be in purchasing the reports to unpack the experience of intermediated distribution in South Africa.

You will be receiving a reminder from Ask Afrika tomorrow containing your unique link to complete the online survey – fia.awards@askafrika.co.za (check you junk mail or spam folders in case it’s there). If you have not received the link, please send an email to questions@fia.org.za and we will resend the link to you. We have enhanced the survey this year to make it more user friendly and relevant to the intermediary. You don’t have to rate every product supplier that you deal with, rate the top 2 or 3 product suppliers that you deal with and make your voice heard.

Just a reminder – in return for your participation, you will receive a summary report of the 2018 FIA Awards survey results and findings. The report will also provide insights into consumer trends based on the Ask Afrika Orange Index®.

Thank you in advance for supporting the voice of the intermediary!