
New regulations: an opportunity to evolve your business?



The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the FIA. The article below was supplied by the 2018 FIA Partner, Santam.

The RDR (Retail Distribution Review) process is driving a number of regulatory reforms that put caps on fee earnings, and challenges insurers and intermediaries to be more focused on due diligence processes, and demand significantly more in respect of data exchange and system integration. But it also represents an opportunity for intermediaries and insurers to evolve their businesses for the better.

By leveraging new technologies, creating partnerships, and leaning on each other, we can create new revenue streams, add efficiencies and improve our collective customer value propositions. Customers need good advice more than ever and by effectively embracing and managing change, it is possible for us to use the change as a spring board for great success in future.

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