
No relationship between Fulcrum Group and Steinhoff International



Over the past few days we have received several phone calls at the Fulcrum Group following media reports relating to Steinhoff International and a company that the reports refers to simply as “Fulcrum”.

Please be assured that this is not Fulcrum Group South Africa.

The Fulcrum referred to in the reports is a Swiss company called Fulcrum Financial Services SA, which forms part of the Steinhoff International Group structure.

The Fulcrum Group (Pty) Ltd, which is registered and operates in South Africa, has absolutely no connection with Fulcrum Financial Services SA nor its holding company, Fulcrum Investment Partners SA, both of which form part of Steinhoff International.

If you would like to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact Fulcrum’s CEO, Brendan Horan at Brendanh@fulcrum.co.za.