
2019: The year of stability – FIA Insight January 2019 out now



The January edition of the FIA Insight magazine is hitting the shelves this week.

In it, the chairs of our sector committees take look at the past year as well as what 2019 has in store for us.

The CEO of the FIA, Lizelle van der Merwe, also reflects on the past and the strategy of the FIA for 2018 – 2021. “In light of the new strategy, the FIA has consciously repositioned itself as a trusted contributor to the sector and broader economy. Intermediaries are key to the value chain of insurance and because we are the leaders of distribution within insurance, market conduct is a big deal for us. We represent both the consumer and the product supplier. However, advice and expertise are factors that will always differentiate us in the mind of the consumer. A broker told me the other day that when the markets are really tough – as they are now – good brokers outshine their peers.””

Dread disease is discussed by Anton Keet from 1Life “But are we doing enough to alert consumers to the types of diseases that are covered, the different types of cover that can get and stressing why dread disease cover should be a key consideration as part of their financial planning – especially while they are still healthy?”

Tanya Kuypers, from Praesidio Risk Managers talks to us on which of your clients are at risk of kidnapping. “Remember when kidnapping featured as high on our list of concerns as earthquakes and actors becoming president? When the fear of kidnapping was the sole domain of our northern neighbours and a few brave individuals sent on remote voyages of discovery?”

These are but a few of the topics discussed in the issue which is titled 2019: The year of stability.

Enjoy the read and we’d love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to get in touch via questions@fia.org.za or on our Twitter.