
New CPD section on the FIA website



At the FIA, we understand the importance of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for our members. We believe that with the correct knowledge and understanding of the needs of the end client, and being up to date with developments in the market in general, our intermediaries will be able to provide a more holistic solution.

To assist our members to meet their obligations in this regard, we have made arrangements with a number of services providers, to offer online CPD training to our members, at discounted rates.

While this has been available for some time, we have recognised the need for an update to our website to better facilitate the accessibility of the learning experience for our members.

The enhancements to the website provide for a quick overview of what each of the suppliers offers, in an easy to read format. This can be found on the in the menu of the home page, and you do not need to be logged into the Members’ Lounge.

In the Members’ Lounge, we have provided the same information as well as including the specific discounted rates for FIA members, with the link to the supplier to obtain this discount.

Our CPD members notice have also been made more accessible and contain important information about the CPD requirements that must be adhered to in order to remain competent



THE CPD HUB is powered by BLACK ONYX and accredited by the FPI and IOBSA, offering a unique digital CPD service focussed on INVESTING & REGULATION offering FIA members 20+ CPD hours for the following areas: 

  • Short-term and Long-term Deposits
  • Structured Deposits
  • Investments (and all 9 subclasses)
  • Forex Investments
  • Asset Management
  • Ethics & Practice Standards

FPI Centre for Professional Development

The FPI Centre have agreed to allow FIA members to participate in FPI CPD activities at the same rate as FPI members.  There are a variety of offers within the FPI framework from online activities to face to face events. These events span the insurance classes of:

  • Long-Term Insurance,
  • Health Benefits,
  • Deposits, and
  • Investments

Integrity Academy

This esteemed partner is an Accredited training provider and carries CPD recognition with the IISA and FPI for various online modules.  A discounted rate has been offered to FIA members for which a discount coupon is granted upon verification of FIA membership. The CPD offering includes all nine classes of business.

In addition to CPD modules, Integrity Academy also offers a range of other training ranging from Class of Business to soft skills.

Moonstone Business School of Excellence (MBSE)

MBSE offer a variety of CPD and other modules via an online platform which are approved by the FPI for CPD purposes.

The MBSE offering spans the full range of insurance classes as listed by the FSCA.  Companies who are able to register more than 100 modules can qualify for a further discounted price per module, details of which are on the MBSE website on the CPD page.

The Indwe Learning Academy (Coming soon)

The Indwe Learning Academy is an accredited training provider (INSETA/QCTO) that aims to provide classroom-based facilitated training for 30 learners on average per month for CPD. They also offer product specific training and class of business training in the short-term insurance space.  

The Indwe e-learning portal aims to deliver and manage soft-skills programs, CPD, Product Specific and Class of Business training on an ongoing basis.

  The Indwe Learning CPD Library:

  • Introduction to Insurance
  • Business Interruption
  • General Liability
  • Motor Insurance
  • Non-motor Insurance
  • Claims Handling
  • Personal Accident & Road Accident Fund
  • Short term insurance
  • Marine Insurance
  • Customer Service
  • Essential Selling Skills
  • Employee and Professional Development
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resources
  • Leadership and Management
  • Negotiation Skills

Indwe has over 70 courses to choose from for CPD. They are able to customize your training requirements and develop content to meet unique requirements at an additional cost on request.


CPD content provided on this platform includes:

  • Insurance technical content focusing on Short Term Insurance Personal, Commercial and Specialist categories;
  • Legislative updates, skills 2030 and business processes

The platform also offers product specific training on Santam’s range of short-term insurance products.

There are well over 18 hours of CPD content available within the Santam suite allowing for user choice and suitability.

The Santam portal is managed by The FAIS Exchange system and a link is included on the FIA webpage for easy access. FIA members will need to register per person on the system which provides a username and password.