
FIA Coastal member meetings – Tygerberg, Peninsula & Boland



The FIA Coastal region hosted three member meetings on the 24th, 25th & 26th July (being Tygerberg, Peninsula & Boland respectively) with CPD training, membership participation, CEO Feedback, FIA Awards discussions and product supplier participation.

An exciting and eventful few days started off at the University of Stellenbosch Business School’s premises early on Wednesday morning and ending in beautiful Paarl on Friday.

The members in attendance were treated to an informative and well-presented 2-hour CPD Ethics presentation by Peter Atkinson who certainly challenges one’s morals and beliefs with this insightful topic.

The Peninsula member’s meeting CPD subject was FICA and PPS Insurance provided additional CPD under the subject ‘Estate Planning’ and we thank them for their contribution.

The Boland members were treated to a talk by Philip van Taak from Masthead FP “putting Investments into the Global Perspective” and Guardrisk provided a closing presentation placing their business into perspective for all present and we thank them for their sponsorship.

FIA CEO, Lizelle van der Merwe, provided much anticipated feedback to the Tygerberg and Peninsula member’s meetings and Llani Miller engaged with the members around the FIA Awards. We spoke with a number of the members who attended these meetings, and this is what they had to say:

“It is exciting to hear how active the FIA is and what they are doing for the brokers and insurance industry as a whole. They are actively involved in protecting the brokers and the emphasising the importance of our industry. The CPD points is a bonus, but more important was the contents of the training. All of us can benefit from what we have heard and use it in daily practice.” – Janet de Villiers

“Lizelle’s feedback in person is much more effective than having updates in the newsletter.

It is a case of “from the horse’s mouth” and has a much stronger impact. If potential members could hear her, they would know the benefit we gain from membership with the FIA.” – Simeon Watson-Stoch

“Thanks for arranging an excellent session presented by Peter. It is not only good for business but even more so for your personal life.” – Neil Viljoen

“Excellent and enthusiastic feedback and to receive it directly from the CEO – It is very important to get feedback from the top structures, on what the FIA is doing for its members and which issues are being addressed.” – Stephen Smit