
Tools for progress – FIA Insight August 2019 is out



The latest issue of the FIA Insights magazine hits the shelves this week. Entitled, Tools for progress, the magazine if filled with articles from industry leaders.

Each issue continues to be the biggest one yet and this is evident here with over 80 pages of news and thought leadership pieces.

CEO of SAIA, Viviene Pearson, discusses how tech offers huge potential benefits for insurers and their customers. “the World Economic Forum (WEF) points to artificial intelligence as a new phenomenon set to fundamentally change the physics of financial services. The forum opines that “it is weakening the bonds that have held together the component parts of incumbent financial institutions, opening the door to entirely new operating models.”

‘Advances in technology have not only brought uncertainty to traditional financial institutions but also renewal and innovation. The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile applications have all played a role in the digital disruption.’ Ockert de Villiers, financial journalist discussed how without continuous innovation, businesses are bound to fail.

We also look at the recent FIA Intermediary Experience Awards with a feature spread.

‘The work place is constantly under discussion as a tool for progress and ‘According to a survey conducted by Basex Research, an individual is interrupted every eight minutes in the workplace. And these interruptions cost companies in excess of $588 billion a year! Getting out of the daily grind of the office and into a completely new creative and stimulating environment reduces the likelihood of work distractions and ensures attendants are focused and taking the sessions seriously.’ managing director of Club Med Southern Africa, Olivier Hannaert.

This, plus more is waiting in the August issue of the FIA Insight magazine.