The Gauteng Public Hearings on the National Health Insurance Bill will be taking place this weekend (Friday 21 to Monday 24 February). Representatives from the FIA will be presenting some of the key messages from our full submission on NHI at these sessions.
Andre Jacobs a representative from the FIA Healthcare Executive Committee presented at the City of Tshwane public hearing held in Soshanguve today.
Please read his statement below.
The Financial Intermediaries Association of Southern Africa is a trade association for insurance brokers and financial advisers. We represent roughly 1 800 financial services providers, who collectively employ more than 45 000 people. The FIA’s principal aim is to protect and develop the professional service of our members and their employees, so consumers can benefit from the value of advice, by guiding, educating and protecting them.
Watching the videos on Parliament TV and listening to society speaking we need to feel ashamed of our healthcare system. When an old gentleman in Polokwane say the nearest clinic is 65km away, and people complain about the quality of care or when people in the private sector complain of being exploited, we should stand still and ask two simple questions. Firstly, is this humane or is this the right thing? And secondly, how can I as a citizen improve the status quo?
The second publication of the National Health Insurance Bill provoked vigorous debate. But where most people focussed on arguments for and against the proposed bill, the emphasis should be on what we can do together to improve access to quality health care for every individual in South Africa. It is only when society unites behind the common goal of improving access to quality care that innovative and collaborative solutions can be found. In doing so, we need to recognise that both our private and public healthcare systems are broken.
We are concerned that the current proposed NHI Bill will not bring us closer to a society which enjoys inclusive, quality healthcare. Therefore, we have submitted a transformed but co-existing model of the private and the public sector. However, we made every effort to ensure that our proposal supports the core ethos of our healthcare system, namely social solidarity.
Sisonke masisebenzele kwi-South Africa enempilo! Let’s work together for a healthier SA.
Watch this space for feedback on tomorrow’s hearing which is scheduled to take place in the West Rand District at the Chief Mogale City Hall from 10:00 – 15:00.