“In pondering my new role as a regular member of the FIA; I understand there is nothing regular or ordinary about membership of the organisation. The organisation structure allows for every member’s voice to be heard and valued, for every member’s input to help shape current and future matters of importance and for every member to play a role in advancing and professionalising the intermediary industry. Am definitely looking forward to playing a role in all the above. Why would I not want to engage as a Member?
To everyone that picked up the mantle of membership and is making a difference in doing so, to those dedicating service to members in the Branch Committees, the individuals that Direct in their respective Regions, for members sharing wisdom with the Executive Committees and for those sharing guidance and skills at the Board. Wow, I am always in awe at every member’s donation of time, intellectual skills and dedication to the intermediary industry, but therefore also not at all surprised that the FIA occupies the preeminent position it does. And in addition, if it were possible to award, then the title of ‘Honoray Intermediary’ should also be bestowed on every individual within the Secretariat of the FIA. You get what it means to be an Intermediary!
I am really excited to see the newly elected Membership Team in action and have no doubt at being a recipient of their incredible future efforts. Thank you to every single person that provided me with support in my capacity and journey as former Chair, but ensured that everyone has a more enriched, engaged and meaningful experience, by being a Member of the Organisation. |