
How PG Glass’ Repair before Replace™ strategy saved a friend from embarrassment?



In most cases, we as humans tend to rush to the decision of replacing things, which may be repairable instead of taking the time to assess the damage and opting to rather repair. Now I know what you are thinking, “is it not better to just replace something instead of repairing it? What if the repair doesn’t work? Will I have to repair this one thing over and over again?” and in most cases you would be right, replacing would be better than repairing, but if you were to give us 30 minutes of your time we can show you how convenient, affordable and time efficient it is to repair before replace. At PG Glass we assure you that we will save you both time and money by repairing that chip on your windscreen before replacing it with a new one, in under 30 minutes.

Let us take a moment and imagine a scenario where a couple of your mates and you plan on hitting the open road for that long overdue holiday. The accommodation is booked, new clothes bought and now there is the discussion of whose vehicle will be used throughout the trip. All the pro’s and con’s are discussed and to your immediate discomfort your vehicle gets the honour of driving the whole squad, leaving you with the dilemma of having to drive your beautiful vehicle; which happens to have an unfortunate chip on its windscreen, which can crack once you hit those bumpy roads or come across extreme hot or cold temperature.

At this point you feel your stomach twist and turn; the fun road trip has now turned into your worst nightmare, but don’t worry as this is where we at PG Glass step in. At PG Glass we will always try to repair before replacing your windscreen, as we are fully committed to saving YOU both time and money because we understand that life is hard enough as it is and you definitely need one less thing to worry about. How, you ask? Well, let us share the benefits of the PG Glass Medic® Chip Repair for both you and your trusted vehicle.

We understand that your vehicle has been nothing but good to you, it has been with you through rain and sunshine and it is very close to your heart. That is why with the PG Glass Medic® Chip Repair technology we are able to restore your vehicle’s windscreen to its 100% original strength and integrity. You are probably now thinking “okay this is all amazing”. We only need (+/-) 30 minutes of your time to repair that chip on your windscreen, thereafter you will have peace of mind knowing that your mates and your safety is secured and your vehicle’s windscreen back to its original strength and integrity.

So visit any PG Glass Fitment Centre today as our Technicians are standing by to repair your day or contact us on 0860 03 03 03 or www.pgglass.co.za to request a quote today!