
DIMs Panel at the #FIAAdviceSummit – Collaboration breeds success





Panellist name: Florbela Yates
Company Name: Momentum Investment Consulting
Position: Head

Florbela Yates began her career in 1993 as a consultant with Alexander Forbes in the health care division. She spent six years there before transferring to Investment Solutions as a senior marketing executive. After 13 years with the group, she joined RMB International as their Head of Institutional Business in SA.

She then joined STANLIB Multi-Manager where she was involved in growing institutional assets, product development and institutional reporting. It was at STANLIB that she branched into the retail investment space as an investment marketing specialist.

This was followed by three years with Hollard Investments in their DFM team for a period of three years. Here, she was involved in concluding partnership deals with identified independent financial advisers (IFAs) and building bespoke model portfolios for retail clients.

Florbela joined Momentum Investment Consulting (MIC) in January 2017 as Head of MIC and is responsible for Momentum Retail’s advisory business. She has a BCom (Economics, Business Finance, Marketing and Tax) degree and is a certified financial planner (CFP).


Panellist name:  Rafiq Taylor
Company Name:  Glacier Invest
Position: Head of Implemented Consulting

Rafiq started his career at Glacier Financial Solutions (previously Innofin) and joined the multi-manager team at Sanlam Investments in 2006. He was appointed to the position of investment analyst, carrying out manager research analysis. He was then promoted to a portfolio management role within the multi-manager investment team. Rafiq currently heads up the retail investment consulting function within the investment team with 15 years of industry experience and is the head of Implemented Consulting at Glacier Invest. He studied at the University of Cape Town where he obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree in Financial Analysis & Portfolio Management.


Panellist name: Pierre de Klerk
Company Name:  Boutique Investment Partners

Pierre holds a B. Com (Honours) degree in Actuarial Science and is a CFA Charter holder. He started his career at Old Mutual gaining experience in actuarial product development and actuarial marketing. He joined Momentum in 1997 as the head of investment products for Momentum’s Linked Investment Service Provider. In the early 2000’s Pierre transitioned to a pure investment management career, working in turn working for Momentum Multi Managers and Advantage Asset Managers while gaining 10 years of multi management investment experience. In 2007 he was a founding member of Momentum Investment Consulting (MIC), a unit responsible for all retail multi-manager activities in the Momentum Group. As the head of investments for MIC in South Africa he was responsible for managing an investment team and overseeing investments of R 4 billion. Following the merger between Metropolitan Multi Managers and MIC as part of the MMI merger transaction, Pierre became an executive director of MIC, having general management responsibility for the combined business. By 2013, Momentum Investment Consulting had grown its asset base from R9bn in 2011, to just over R22bn, making it one of the largest retail multi-manager offerings in South Africa.     Pierre was the lead portfolio manager on a range of top performing portfolios during his employment at MIC. At the end of 2013, Pierre left the Momentum Group, to co-establish a new investment consulting and investment management firm – Boutique Investment Partners.  Pierre is the managing director of Boutique Investment Partners and a senior portfolio manager.

Boutique Investment Partners currently manages and consults on R 39 billion of investors’ assets.


Panellist name: Roeloff Horne
Company Name:  Miton Optimal
Position: Director & Head of SA Portfolio Management

Roeloff is a Director and Head of Portfolio Management in South Africa. He founded Eagle Asset Management and Bond Street Financial Services which became part of the MitonOptimal Group in 2002. Roeloff is responsible for the management of the South African suite of multi-asset funds and portfolios. He holds a National Certificate in Financial Markets & Instruments as well as an International  Capital  Markets  qualification  from the London Securities Institute.


Panellist name: Allan Geddie
Company Name: PortfolioMetrix
Position: Head Investment Sales and Distribution

Allan has worked in Financial Services since 2000, starting his career at Liberty within broker services,  later joining auditors and accountants -Moore Stephens in 2005, and in 2007 joined STANLIB Asset Management. Allan has occupied various roles within Asset Management including; Corporate Cash management, Institutional sales and was promoted to National Head of wholesale accounts in 2013. In this role his primary responsibilities were that of National DFM’s, Multi Managers and 3rd party Lisp platforms. Allan joined PortfolioMetrix earlier this year and was appointed as Head of Investment Sales & Distribution (SA). He carries a Specialist Dip Marketing Management (SAIM) and a CFP certification.   


Facilitator: Kevin Hinton
Company: Collaborative Exchange
Position: Founder and director

Kevin has more than 30 years of financial services industry knowledge and has served in various executive management positions in asset management and the LISP industry in South Africa.

He is the founder and director of The Collaborative Exchange. The Collaborative Exchange is a strategic advisory business in retail financial services. He is also owns the intellectual property rights for The Investment Forum and Meet the Managers – arguably SA’s largest gathering of asset managers and financial advisers.

He is an expert on Business strategy, the SA regulatory environment and Research and Market Intelligence in Retail and Wealth Management. Kevin is a regular speaker on these topics.

He has recently completed the 1st independent survey on investment platforms /LISP’s in South Africa and will be publishing the 1st DFM survey during the 4th QTR of 2019